The City of Tshwane in partnership with alive2green will be hosted the Green Home Fair, which forms part of the 2015 Sustainability Week.
The event was held at Brooklyn Mall from 27 to 28 June 2015. The aim is to showcase fabulous eco-friendly products and services to savvy consumers. Eco-decoration and finishes, motoring, travelling, veggie gardens, eco-sport and recycling ideas are just some of the initiatives that those with a flair for style but also environment conscious can look forward to at this year’s Green Home Fair. Melissa Baird, editor of Green Home magazine, says, “The growing trend worldwide is that consumers want to know that the products that they buy don’t harm the environment and that the manufacturers producing them are socially conscious. Labelling is also a major issue as consumers are interested in the ingredients used in the food and products they buy – it all comes down to being a conscious consumer, a key attraction point of the Green Home Fair.”
As part of Sustainability Week, the Green Home Fair will educate people on why they must be mindful of their impact on the environment and how it can save money in the long run. There will be public talks about what consumers need in order to be more energy efficient and water wise. The fair will also showcase in-home and décor products that are trendy, new and super stylish.
Nicola van Kan, marketing manager at Brooklyn Mall, says, “We are proud and very excited to be hosting the Green Home Fair and help put a spotlight on all green lifestyle products and services. The communal and interactive space promises a great experience for consumers. Growthpoint Properties, owner of Brooklyn Mall, is a socially responsible company and we support sustainable projects that positively impact our society.”
“We are seeing more eco-products making their way onto shopping shelves. These are good for the environment and great for your home as they don’t contain harsh chemicals. Consumers should shop around and find out what works for them when making new choices,” guides Baird.
By living a greener lifestyle, you will have fewer chemicals and more nutritious food, and see a reduction in waste – all contributing to a better home and community.
The Green Home Fair is free of charge and will take place from 27 to 28 June 2015 at Brooklyn Mall.
City of Tshwane News Services