Wonderboom Airport flight plans for Cape Town on track



The scheduled flights from Pretoria to Cape Town will take off from Wonderboom National Airport as planned from 16 August 2015.

The Executive Director for Strategic Communications at the City of Tshwane, Mr Selby Bokaba said the City is confident that the scheduled flights will take off without any glitches on 16 August 2015. He said SA Airlink has confirmed that they are ready for August 16 and everything will go ahead as planned. He dismissed the allegations that there were fuel shortage problems that could derail the plan and make the comments of the Executive Mayor in his State of the City Address unattainawble. Mayor of the City of Tshwane, Mr Kgosientso Ramokgopa, announced during his State of the capital address that commercial flights would be available from Wonderboom national airport to Cape Town International from August this year.

“The City has been engaged in talks with Air British Petroleum (BP) over the procurement of the fuel supply at the Wonderboom Airport and negotiations are at advanced stage to sign a contract with the fuel provider,” he said. Mr Bokaba condemned newspaer reports that he said were unsubstantiated that there were fuel shortage problems at Wonderboom  Airport that might derail the plan going ahead as planned on August 16.

There will be flights departing at 06:45, 9:45 in the morning and in the afternoon at 17:45 for Cape Town. Flights from Cape Town Wonderboom will take off at 06:45 in the morning and 15:00 and 17:30 in the afternoon.

Communities and businesses in Tshwane and the surrounding areas will benefit from the new service.