Makapanstad Corinthians presented with jersy for the Dr Sedibe Top 8 Tournament winning price


By Aluwani Khumela

Sponsor of the Dr Sedibe Top 8, Dr Edward Sedibe, last week presented the 2014 Sedibe Top 8 winning price to the Samba Boys, Corinthians of Makapanstad.

The price consisted of a full set of football kits and protective shin guards. Corinthians FC coach, Mr Tshepo Motsepe said they thank DR Sedibe for giving them a new soccer kit after winning the Sedibe Top 8, “it was really difficult to face the likes of Mk united FC, Flying Birds FC and Cosmos FC in the finals to clinch the first price”.
“What motivated us was the need of a second jersey, we had one kit and it was difficult. Sometimes our kit would clash with opponents and we would ask the neighbours to borrow us a kit so that the game could continue,” Mr Motsepe said.
Because of financial difficulties sometimes the team would have players on the bench with socks and shorts without a jersey and they would wait for a team member to be substitute so that they can get a jersey from them.
Mr Motsepe said on the day of the final, the boys were overzealous to win the top price and when they saw Dr Sedibe attending the finals, they wanted to cry because they were desperate to win the price.
The first game of the finals was postponed because of bad weather to 27 December after ending in a one-all-draw. At the second game, Katleho Phiri of the Corinthians scored the one and only goal that won the game to see the Corinthians lift the 2nd trophy and win the soccer kit that the team needed so desperately.

The team thanked Dr Sedibe for giving back to the community and for being there personally to hand over the winning price. The team said Dr Sedibe has made them proud with what he is doing in the community and promised to work hard to defend the cup. “Maybe we will win another set of jersey,” Mr Motsepe said.

Dr Sedibe has a vision for the youth of Makapanstad

Dr Sedibe, “The Beast,” as he is known in the Moretele area, said as a soccer lover and a former soccer player himself, thought of ploughing back to his rural community of Makapanstad by identifying talent from the youth and establishing the tournament. “The aim is to move the youth from the streets and develop love for soccer so that they can become professional players in future,” he said.
He said the Dr Sedibe Top 8 will benefit the rural area youth in becoming professional players who one day may also play for both PSL and National squad. PSL teams identify talent from these rural youth soccer players which will make Makapanstad known all over the country as an area where professional clubs can source players.
He is a football fan having been a football player as a student from primary school up to University himself. He also played for the local team at Makapanstad known as Makapanstad Flying Bird in the 70s when he was a matric student. At the University he played for Torros which was one of the teams of University league known as Sovenga league. He is fan of Kaizer Chiefs since its inception in the 70s and also a fan of Bafana Bafana. On an international level he is a fan of Barcelona.
“I would like to see this tournament being registered with SAFA as one of the tournaments that serve as a pool of developing future soccer players especially from rural areas. “I have been a teacher for many years and worked with students at four Universities as Dean of Students and Director of Student Affairs and Sports responsible for students Extra Curricular activities amongst them being sports. Sports in particular football, is my passion,” he said.
He said he intends establishing local leagues from under 14 onwards with the aim of identifying talents at an early age. “I am intending establishing primary and secondary schools leagues around Makapanstad and Moretele region. This will depend on sponsorship from interested partners.” Dr Sedibe said.