Water shortage problems in Tshwane has not improved due to the heat wave


By Staff Reporter

10 OCTOBER 2015
The City has once again pleaded with residents to use water sparingly and not to water their gardens until the situation normalises.

β€œThe Water and Sanitation Department is committed to its service of supplying water to all residents across the City, it is therefore important that residents heed this request, said City Communications Manager, Mr Selby Bokaba.
The City of Tshwane is currently experiencing water shortages in some parts of the City due to the high water demand caused by the current heat wave. The heat wave has seen the water demand constantly increasing, thus resulting in the reservoirs across the City operating at very low levels. This has also slowed down the pace at which water builds up in the reservoirs as some high lying areas are experiencing low water pressure already. The most affected areas are Constantia Park, Waterkloof Heights, Waterkloof Park, Erasmuskloof, Waterkloof Glen, Erasmusrand, Some parts of Moreletapark, Eldoraigne X1 and X3, Elarduspark, Kameeldrift, Derdepoort, Waterkloof Ridge.Temporary water restrictions will be implemented in terms of Clause 19 of the Water Supply Bylaws, as published in the Gauteng Provincial Gazette, dated 24 July 2014, notice 468 for implementation with immediate effect until further notice.
Water restrictions include irrigation of gardens with hose-pipes or sprinkler system from 06h00 to 18h00, washing of vehicles with hose-pipes and filling of swimming pools. The restrictions will be implemented with immediate effect until further notice.
The City said should the above restrictions not be adhered to, then the water shortage situation may worsen.