Department provide student university placement through the Central Application Clearance House system


Following the successful introduction of the Central Application Clearing House (CACH) in 2013 the Department of Higher Education and Training is again offering this service to assist people who wish to study at one of many Universities or Colleges in 2016 and have not been offered a place at the institution to which they have applied.
Once the examination results are available, the Department passes applicant information on to Universities, Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges that are still looking for students. By registering on this website students are agreeing that their details may be passed on to registered providers of higher and further education or learnerships.
The Clearing House service aims to match applicants’ exam results and study preferences with places that need to be filled, but the department cannot guarantee that students will be offered a place. The Department shall take Grade 12 results directly from the Department of Basic Education. If students want to study at a specific institution only, students should not apply through CACH but contact that institution directly. If students have already applied to a University and have not heard from them, they should contact them to find out whether they can be offered a place.
It is probable that most of the places available at Universities through CACH will require good performance in subjects such as Maths, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. To increase the range of opportunities, the service has been extended to include registered private colleges as well as Technical and Vocational Education and Training Colleges, and students are also advised to investigate other options.
An offer of a place does not automatically guarantee funding and students should start looking for funding as early as possible.
Good sources of information are:
Study loan information is available from:
Student loans are also offered by ABSA, FNB, Nedbank and Standard Bank.
CACH and the institutions will use the contact details provided – students should ensure that they check for emails and text messages frequently. For career advice at no charge, call 086 999 0123. For details of public Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges near you, view
For details of registered private Higher Education Institutions please view: