City receives fifth unqualified audit report in a row

audit magnifying glass

By Staff Reporter
28 JANUARY 2016
The City of Tshwane said it has received its fifth unqualified audit report in a row since the current administration came into power in 2011.

The Auditor-General tabled his final report in today’s Council meeting.
City Mayor, Kgosientso Ramokgopa, said the administration has been prudent with public finances since it came into office five years ago, and today’s release of the audit report confirms frugal respect for the public purse and good governance.
The City condemned and rejected allegations about the misuse and misappropriation of funds. The City said no such findings were made by the Auditor-General, thus making such allegations unfounded and malicious.
The relevant provisions in the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) relating to the tabling of the audit report in Council by the A-G (Section 127) (4)(a)) and the Executive Mayor (Section 127 (2) including the legislated timelines for the tabling of the audit report have been fully complied with.
Communications Executive Director at the City, Mr Selby Bokaba, said nothing in law prevents any auditee from engaging officially with the office of the A-G in relation to the audit process underway. Such engagements are standard practice to ensure compliance with the timelines in the MFMA with a view to finalising the audit report. Therefore, the allegation of undue influence undermines the integrity of the Office of the Auditor-General.
He refuted the figure of R4billion irregular expenditure cited in the public arena as unfounded, without substance and devoid of any truth.
He said the City respects the independence of the Chapter 9 institutions, such as the Office of the Auditor-General, hence the City’s approach to remain reticent on commenting on reports purporting to be those of the Auditor-General and that the City remains committed to good governance and will continue in to achieve clean audits.