By Nkhensane Hlangwane
Among the same goal of praying together in support of each other’s work, the Tshwane Region 2 in connection with Tshwane Municipality and Gauteng Health Nurses honoured the Tshwane Nurses Prayer day at Temba Baptist Community Church on Sunday, the 31st of January 2016.
Nurses made their pledge with candles lighten to remind themselves of their professions basics and how veterans should be treated. “I solemnly pledge myself to the service of humanity and will endeavour to practice my profession with conscience and with dignity”-nurses pledged
They also pledged that they will maintain the utmost respect for human beings. “I will not permit consideration of religion, nationality, race or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient”-pledged Gauteng Health Nurses.
The main purpose of this event was to identify the challenges faced by the nurses on daily basis and to try coming up with solutions to repair and improve the image of the nursing profession as it seems like the nursing basics are not the same anymore.
The Gauteng Health Nurses felt the necessity to meet so they can be able to motivate each other and put down a reminder of what nursing is all about, by sharing the skills and knowledge of this profession. The Chief executive officer of Jubilee Hospital who was the guest speaker, Ms Tiny Magano said the nurses need to work together in bringing back the basics of nursing. “We need to remember who we are; we need to rededicate ourselves”-said Ms Magano
She also urged that the vision of the Gauteng Department of Health hasn’t changed to any other but remains passionate about nursing, as they all know that passion doesn’t need to be schooled. She said junior nurses need to be mentored in order to bring back to basics of nursing including the mentoring of junior nurses. The language practice used in the nursing departments should also be regained as it should guide juniors of how they need to recognise their seniors and treat them with respect. Nurses were also encouraged to continue with the respect for their uniform including the treatment of patients using the latest technology.
“Technology is one area that we should use to increase our knowledge and sharpen our skills”-she added. She advised nurses to use the internet as this profession is faced with challenges and changes on daily basis.