Motorists advised to avoid the CBD and to use alternative routes due to march

Non racialism

Non racialism

18 February 2016
Several streets in the CBD will be affected tomorrow, 19 February 2016, from 09:00 to 16:00 due to an ANC march.

The march will move from Burgers Park to the Union Buildings through Lilian Ngoyi and Madiba Streets. The streets that intersect with Lilian Ngoyi and Madiba Streets will temporarily be closed and opened as the march proceeds. The following intersections around the Union Building will be closed:
• Hamilton and Pretorius Streets
• Hamilton and Stanza Bopape Streets
• Hamilton and Johannes Ramokhoase Streets
• Hamilton and Edmond Streets
• Stanza Bopape and Leyds Streets
• Stanza Bopape and Wessels Streets
Jeff Masemola and Thabo Sehume Streets will also be closed.
Tshwane Metro Police officers will monitor all the affected streets. Motorists are advised to avoid the CBD and to use alternative routes.
For enquiries, contact:
Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba
Tel: 012 358 9524
Cell: 082 611 9971