Opinion Piece
By Sediko Rakolote
ANC Ward 05 and SACP Member in Tshwane
Since its formation in 1912, ANC’s aim and objectives has been to create a united, non-racial, non-sexist and democratic society.
For the 104 yrs. the ANC is continuing to live that objective. It emphasizes the broad participation of constituents in the direction and operation of the organization, advocating for involvement of members of the society irrespective of their political affiliation to air their views regarding the organization and encouraging everyone to contribute in the over-all decision making process of the organization. ANC is the only political party in South Africa which is an epitome of participatory democracy.
The political parties that were formed out of frustration of being expelled for ill-discipline in 1996, out of anger of losing democratic leadership contestation in 2007, out of bitterness of being expelled for ill-disciplined in 2012, party that harbors racist like Sparrows, Chris Roberts, and many more are of no match to the ANC in terms of living and appreciating the principles of participatory democracy. No political organization in South Africa parliament can claim to be so transparent and respecting the views of the masses like the African National Congress. No political party in South African parliament can claim to understand and respect democratic principles more than the ANC.
Other political parties like the Democratic Alliance, councilors are selected through their CV’s by a panel of individuals-maybe individuals with experience of HR recruitment. And as said by one of their Councilor candidate Herman Mashaba in a TV show “the poor cannot be expected to lead cause that will be a disaster” so their choice of leaders is based on the wealth accumulated by that person. For them only those who are regarded rich like Mashaba are parachuted to leadership roles. For them the poor are just for voting not leadership roles.
In the ANC the quality of a leader is not determined by wealth but by determination to serve the masses of our people. It is only the ANC that after its branches have nominated three candidates for councillorship, the branch takes the candidates to a community meeting for the community to interview them and decide on who should be the councilor. The list of the ANC councilor elect candidates is a product of engagements with the communities.
ANC as the leader of the society which has a full understanding that it represent the aspirations of the society and as an epitome of participatory democracy, after the ConCourt ruling, with humility the ANC invited all sectors of the society who wanted to raise their views on the matter to engage the ANC. It has lived to that, by engaging various sectors of the society and is continuing to do so.
It is unheard of for a political party to take the views of various sectors of society to be welcomed into the matters of the party. The case in point was when the DA racist chicklets like Sparrows and others left the DA nest and exposed their racist colours. DA tried to sweep the matter under the carpet and never invited the views of the communities on how to resolve the matter. In fact they concluded that their members will sign an anti-racism pledge.
Who crafted that DA anti-racism pledge?
• Was DA MP Mike Waters who allegedly posted a picture on Twitter showing a pack of dogs lining up at a tree, underneath which was a picture of President Jacob Zuma part of those who crafted the pledge?
• Was DA member Penny Sparrow who took to Facebook describing black beachgoers as “monkeys”, in an apparent reaction to litter left behind after New Year’s celebrations part of those who crafted the pledge?
• Was Nelson Mandela Bay DA councilor Chris Roberts, who allegedly referred to UDM councilor Mongameli Bobani as “councilor bobbejaan” part of those who crafted the pledge?
• Was DA MP Kohler-Barnard who praised apartheid president PW Botha part of those who crafted the pledge?
It is only in the ANC where a South African citizen will not be called a foreigner to be in another province of the country. It is only in the ANC where the late President Nelson Mandela will not to be called a sell-out and President Robert Mugabe will not be called a coward. It is only in the ANC where the community decides who becomes their councilor.
As an epitome of participatory democracy, it is only in the ANC where views of all sectors of the society are welcomed. Vote ANC in 2016 local elections. ANC lives and ANC leads!!!
Sediko Rakolote
The views expressed in this article are not of Moretele Times.