By Staff Reporter
14 November 2016
Mayor Solly Msimanga has wished Tshwane residents a very safe and enjoyable festive season and pleaded with all members of Council, its staff, officials across the City, to enjoy the festive season and asked all to obey the law and not to drink and drive.
The Mayor was speaking on Tuesday at the launch of the Festive Safety Campaign accompanied by Tshwane Metro Police Chief, Mr Steven Ngobeni.
Mr Msimanga said reducing the carnage on our roads requires all pedestrians and motorists alike to do their part. “This applies to law enforcement which will be out in their numbers to ensure that our City is one that is safe for us all and to ensure that those who want to deviate us from this ideal are brought to book,” he said.
Spokesperson to the Mayor, Mr Samkelo Mgobozi, said in order to decrease road accidents, injuries ,fatalities and road traffic offences, the Tshwane Metropolitan Police Department has put a multi-disciplinary operation for the period leading to, during and after the 2016/17 Festive Season period throughout the City of Tshwane.
He said although accident statistics for 2015 festive operations indicated a decrease on the freeways pedestrians remain the biggest contributor especially within residential areas. The operation will serve as a tool to reduce crime and the number of road fatalities to the minimum and to ensure that all people living in Tshwane during the mentioned period of 2016/17 are safe and secure.
This will be done through the operation to ensure law and order in and around Tshwane by enforcing all Municipal Bylaws, limit the number of road accidents to the minimum and at least ensure a decrease in the number of accidents and specifically fatal and serious accidents compared with the previous year for the same period.
The campaign will also limit the number of crimes committed to the minimum and to ensure at least a decrease in the reported cases compared with the previous year for the same period and utilise available resources with the financial framework optimally.
Policing operations have been coordinated on a national, provincial and local level to ensure that all operational actions run smoothly. The execution of the Festive Season Operation Plan is aligned with the three priority areas, through the policing of by-laws, promoting road safety and proactive crime prevention initiatives.
“Let us all return in 2017 well-rested, in good health and in good spirits to work together to further bring the change we have worked thus far to bring,” Mayor Msimanga said.
Mayor Msimanga wishes residents of Tshwane a very Merry Christmas and a safe Festive Season
Mayor Solly Msimanga