Unserviced storm water drain becoming a health and security risk for community

Some residents are using the unattended storm water drain as a dumping area

A storm water drain that has been left unattended at Temba Unit  5 has  turned into a health  hazard and security risk  for residents.

The complaints  of residents about the growing grass at  the  drainage has fallen  on  deaf ears  as  the area turns into a nightmare for the  community. The grass has grown to a level where criminals are able to hide and target community members.

Residents are now afraid to use the road because they  are scared  of the criminals and also because  the area  has turned into a  health  hazard  due  to people illegally dumping their rubbish there.

A  resident at  Unit  5 in Temba, Ms Koketso  Motshegwa, said they  are not safe anymore, “a woman was mugged  there last  week, the grass  has grown so much  that even  when you are  mugged  and you  call for help, no  one will see  you because  of the  grass,” she said.

Moretele times contacted Mr Issac Mphaha, the local Ward 77 Councillor who referred us to Mr Godfrey Mokoka of region 2 at City of Tshwane.

At the time of going  to press, Mr  Mr Mokoka had  not  responded  to the email sent  to him.

The grass has grown so much, neighbors across the street can not see each other