The City of Tshwane Department of Water and Sanitation has failed the residents of Tambo in Temba with yet another prolonged water shutdown.
The City had promised that the water will be cut for 24 hours from 21 April 2017 to 22 April 2017 but to date residents are still without water affecting residents and businesses badly.
It has now been 48 hours without water and the municipality has also failed to communicate with residents about when the water will start running from their taps again.
Yesterday Moretele Times contacted the Mayoral Spokesperson, Mr Sam Mgobozi, regarding the problem who responded that, “I will get back to you on this matter,” and at the time of going to press, he had not done so.
Business is feeling the pain mostly, Ms Sheli Mooka, a salon owner, said without water she cannot run her business because she needs water to run her business. “I have lost business in the past two days because I have to turn people back due to lack of water.”
Another business owner, Mr Desmond Letlokwa, who rents rooms also said he has to go buy water for tenants to use toilet, “not everyone has enough money to buy water every day and the City is failing us with empty promises.”