Residents of Temba near the Eskom Power plant are concerned with uncontrolled illegal dumping that is risking their health due to polluted air it brings to their homes.
Minki Mokubela a resident who lives near to the dumping side that is only a stone throw away from her home told Moretele Times that she is concerned with the risks the illegal dumping it brings to them.
“This dumping site brings lots of risks to our health because people dump dead bodies of animals that decay here and the bad smell comes to our homes.
“Some people dump expired medication that could be consumed by kids who plays near the dumping site.” Said Mr Mokubela.
Another resident who lives close to the dumping site says he had been reporting to their local municipal offices but it seems as if her complaint has fallen on deaf ears. She says, during windy season’s plastics and papers are blown by wind into her yard.
“I have been complaining to the municipal offices since the year 2000 but nothing seems to be done. I suggested for the place to be developed into something like a recreation park or something that can eradicate this problem of illegal dumping,” said he resident.
She further told Moretele Times that even though a sign has been installed to show that it is illegal to dump in the area, people ignore it and still dump their waste.