The Community of Block G, Chris Hani in Hammanskraal are overwhelmed that after waiting for 23 years, they will finally get electricity.
Electric poles are being erected in the community which has brought hope that the area will finally be electrified.
Ms Maria Manganyi, a resident of Block G said since 1994 the community has attended meetings with different Councillors and all the Councillors left office without fulfilling their promise of providing the community with basic rights.
“Seeing this poles being installed means we will finally get electricity.” Said Ms Manganyi.
This also means the community will stop using paraffin stove that had been risky to use over the years.
Ms Manganyi said she had bought an electricity stove from the time the promises for electricity were made and now cannot wait to use her electric stove.
Block G community members said they are thankful that government has finally heard their cry and are happy that they will save the paraffin money for electricity coupons.