Temba Municipality fails Babelegi workers

Collapsed Babelegi pedestrian bridge is a big inconvenience to the community

Hundreds of Babeledi workers who use the pedestrian bridge to cross over the Apppies River to go to their various firms are not happy with the delay that the municipality have had in fixing the bridge.

They claim that the bridge collapsed following heavy rains early this year and nothing has been done to fix it.

Mr Aaron Moloto, who works at Babelegi told Morelete Times that he has to wake up an hour earlier than he used to so that he may be able to take the longer route to work. “I use this bridge as a short route to work. I have to now wake up earlier than I used to so that I may report to work in time. The bridge was convenient for many of us because it connects the area to Babelegi.” Said Mr Moloto.

Another worker, Bongani Nkambule, said sometimes he has to take the risk to use the bridge so that he is not late for work.

“I sometimes have no choice but to risk with my life and use the bridge. I walk as far as from Lephengville and have to via the Lucas Mangope road. That inconveniences me as it is also not safe because it is a busy road, I can be hit by a car at any time.” Said Mr Nkambule.

Babelegi workers pleaded with the municipality to fix the bridge as it is long overdue for maintenance