Temba Police Warrant officer Gothusaneng Edward Seutlwetse’s has died after being sick and collapsing while on duty on 8th June 2017.
His colleagues speaking at his memorial held yesterday at Temba Police station said Warrant Officer Seutlwetse was a hero who ended up dying in his uniform after serving SAPS for 27 years.
Tshwane North Cluster Commander, General Mahajane said it is going to be hard to find warrant officer Seutlweste’s replacement. “We have lost a soldier in him, he was a dedicated officer and served SAPS meticulously. It is going to be hard to find someone to fill his shoes.”
Warrant officer Seatlwetse joined the South African Police Services in 1990, in 1997 he was promoted Sergeant and in 2010 he became Warrant Officer. He holds two medals of 10 and 20 years loyal service.
The memorial service was attended by family, friends and colleagues and most speakers said they regarded Warrant officer Seutlwetse as a man who was called to be a police man who was dedicated till his last day.
Warrant officer Seutlwetse will be buried on Saturday in Taung at Leshobo Village, North West.