A Rockville house in Temba belonging to Ms Annah Moche (38), who stays with her one-year six months old daughter and her 16-year-old son, Steven Moche, burned down in the early hours of Monday morning when the Moche family was still asleep.
Steven said he fell asleep while watching TV in the lounge and was woken by an explosion in the kitchen from the electricity meter box followed by flames.
“The fire spread very quickly and I decided to wake my Mom and when we were overpowered by the fire we ran outside,” he said.
Ms Moche said her son woke her up around 3:00 in the morning shouting that the house is on fire.
“We tried to put the fire down but it was too late, we then rushed out to blow a whistle to try and wake up our neighbors and when they arrived the whole house was already on flames.”
The Moche family lost everything in the house and the local Eskom office told them that Eskom could not take responsibility because the electric meter box that exploded was inside the house and they can only take responsibility for outside meter boxes.
The fire brigade arrived an hour later when the fire was put out and the police could not open a case because they told the family that it was an Eskom matter.
The family is pleading for anyone who can assist with food, clothes and temporary shelter.
For any help, please contact their aunt, Alina Moche on 0833507652