Hammanskraal primary school pupils to battle in a Spelling Bee competition

Pic: Provided

Elex foundation, in association with Elex Academic Bookstore will hold their very first Spelling Bee competition for learners from grade 4-7 at Sebothoma hall, Temba in Hammanskraal on 5 August.

The purpose of the My Dictionary, My future Spelling Bee competition is to encourage learners to use the dictionary and learn words and the English language.

Mr Elex Moatshe, the CEO and Founder of Elex Academic Bookstore said they first implemented a campaign for usage of dictionary to ensure that learners utilize dictionaries, that is why they are to host a Spelling Bee competition.

”Dictionaries contain words same as a Spelling Bee competition, so in essence we are doing a follow up” he added.

“This will teach these kids from a tender age about the importance of spelling and grammar since English is the medium of communication today,” he said.

Prizes to be won, first round participants will get stationery, second participants will get a certificate and a R300 voucher while the third round participants will get a certificate, laptop, trophy, R1000 prize and R5000 to the school. The prices comprises only one winner per grade.

Mr Elex Moatshe’s goal about the My Dictionary, My future Spelling Bee competition is to see it expand nationwide and to be an annual even.

The Spelling Bee competition primary pupils will begin at 8am in the morning until 2pm.