Maubane gardening project creates jobs and benefits community


Gardeners love what they are doing and that is why their gardens are always fresh

The Levites Agricultural Cooperatives operating at the community centre at Maubane is making an impact on the community through job creation and cheaper vegetables from its agricultural project.

The eight months agriculture project is divided into four months theory and the other four for practical.

“We have eight students that registered with the project since it started and we provide them with a stipend and an agriculture certificate at the end of the course,” Said Ogopoleng Kgaswane, facilitator of the project.

Garden leader, Mpho Mabena, said, “We teach agriculture and give water saving tips because that is what a farmer does every day. An irrigation system is used to water the garden, as it is effective and direct.

Mr Mabena said before working at the garden he used to buy spinach at the garden and now he has his own section in the garden where he grows vegetables.

“When you are working here, you have to get used to working hard, facing the burning sun and endure pain because this is hard labour.

“We are however willing and we love it here hence you see our garden looking fresh,” said Mr Mabena.

Everything in the centre is aimed at empowerment of people in the area and the gardeners do everything with their own hands, which makes this project unique and inspiring.

However, like in any business, there are challenges that the project faces, the fencing is not strong enough to keep animals out and in most cases their vegetables are at threat of animal invasion.

However, the community feels that this is one significant project to ever make an impression to the community because it gives everyone the opportunity to participate.