Hammanskraal old age home benefits from NHC’s Ubuntu Programme

The Wisane Old Age Home and Hospice staff

The National Heritage Council of South Africa (NHC) handed over goods to the value of R10, 000.00 to Wisane Old Age Home in Hammanskraal on Tuesday, 07 November. Sanitary ware, adult nappies and a Blood Pressure testing machine are some of the goods requested by the old age home for the occupants.

Wisane Old Age home and Hospice based in Hammanskraal north of Gauteng, founded in 2016 to care for elderly.

“Doing good should not only trend on Mandela Day 18 July but be part of our everyday lives for sustainable communities and nation building” said Adv. Sonwabile Mancotywa, Chief Executive of the Council.

“The values of ubuntu, selflessness have the possibility of bringing about enduring change and developing sustainable communities”, said Mancotywa.

Over and above the donated goods to the Wisane Old Age Home, the NHC staff spent 67 minutes of their time to bath, clean and feed the elderly.

“All of us at Wisane Old Age Home and Hospice, are humbled to have been one of the National Heritage Council’s identified NPOs and highly appreciate every little contribution that has been afforded to us today. May you continue doing good to others”, said Mrs Bilankulu, the NPO founder.