The good and the bad sugars to watch

Example of the healthy fruits with natural sugar

Is sugar free really sugar free?

Knowing what you put in your body is an essential part of living a healthy lifestyle. I am saying this because most of the time we are trapped and confused by food because we do not read what is written on the labels. We need to start observing what we put into our bodies and how our bodies react to certain food.

For instance, just because some foodstuff and drinks are labelled sugar free, it does not mean they do not contain some sort of sugar. Before being convinced that something is sugar free, read carefully the ingredients because there are many kind of sugars such as, fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Sugar damages important organs such as kidneys, as such, it needs to be watched carefully. it is much better to eat raw sugar from fruits because they are a good source of natural and healthy sugars without preservatives added.

Some of the examples of raw honey with the good natural sugar

Let us take a person living with diabetes who need to watch their sugar intake. As we know people living with diabetes suffer from the pancreas producing little or no insulin. They therefore have to inject themselves with insulin to supplement their sugar levels. This might seem like a solution but the truth is that this method has side effects because it is an artificial way of increasing sugar levels.

One healthier way of consuming natural sugar is by using raw honey for sugar needs. The notion that honey contains high levels of sugar is actually not true as it is proven that although raw honey may seem like it has a lot more sugaring, it actually does not. It is a healthier product of sugar as it is natural and has no added preservatives or artificial chemicals.

Put in another way, one can go a long way when using raw honey than using artificial sugar. This is so especially If you use less of it as it does not cause damage to your body. However, that does not mean we should overuse it because of its goodness. As we know, too much of everything is bad, even the good ones.

Let us study what we eat, read the labels carefully, for a better healthy lifestyle.