Keeping your body healthy so it can take care of you


A healthy breakfast to get you on the go

Let me start by introducing myself to the Moretele Times readers, my name is Busisiwe Nyathi and I am going to be writing on healthy living to bring awareness to the community.

We are what we eat and I have found this statement to be true. Often we eat without thinking about the consequences of the kind of food we put in our bodies. The food we eat play an important role in our well-being, and how our bodies operate.

For instance, breakfast is the most important meal as it carries us through the day. Starting the day without this healthy habit, might lead to one experiencing dizziness, loss of focus and dehydration. We need the energy from the protein, calcium and vitamins found in fruits, dairy products, wheat and some other forms of grains and fiber.

A healthy breakfast to grab early in the morning for a balanced meal fit to keep you going through the day

The pictured dish is something you can have as a health jar when you are on the go or have it in as a bowl when you are relaxed, it contains summer fruits such as melons, spanspek, strawberries, papaya, oranges, meausli, plain yogurt and a squeeze of honey.

This is the healthy way to go and you will feel the difference when you start living a healthy life and be sure to catch a-30-minute workout before the healthy breakfast.

Let us live the healthy way and preserver long life.