Ladies welcomes December at Doek and Shades event


The 3rd annual Doek and Shades annual event was hosted to unify ladies on Saturday  09 December 2017 at Darkies Pub, Unit D, Temba.

Ladies drove from all corners of the country to come witness the outstanding fashion show-clubbing hosted in Temba.

“This event gives us women an opportunity to bond and break down that stigma of looking at one another down and always labelled as gossips. I have made new friends in the same level of thinking,” said Ms Kagiso Kgomo from Centurion who attended the event.

Ms Vella Nyoni from Temba said Doek and Shades is a township culture with a flavour  where women are appreciated.

The women thanked the organisers of the event and said they are looking forward to similar events during December.