Shocking Leboneng sewage spillage

Kids run in the spillage filled streets of Leboneng Ward 75

The shocking sewage spillage in Leboneng Ward 75 continues to torment the community and the blame points to the Councillor and the municipality for not caring about the community.

Although the spillage has been going on for more than three weeks, community members said the problem of the pipes blocking is a decade old and this has made them to feel that the Councillor does not care about their concerns.

A member of the community said it seems this is a political strategy by the ruling party in the municipality and unfortunately, it affects the elderly and children.

“The spillage is now in our yards and is affecting our health particularly schoolchildren who use the streets.

“Whenever we report the issue, maintenance people always come with a temporary solution, our lives should not be a political game for the coming elections,” a concerned citizen said.

The local Councillor, Mr Sello Mphaga, said he has escalated the problem to his superiors and there is nothing more he can do.

He said he raised the matter four times with the water and sanitation department and was told that there is no budget to solve the problem permanently.

“Maybe this matter must be raised directly with the MMC because the Regional Executive Director knows about it and it looks like no action is being taken.” He said.

Meanwhile, the community woke up this morning to the stench of the spillage in their yards, the streets and experience flashbacks in the toilets and washing basins. This is after the maintenance team left yesterday without solving the problem. Every time there is a spillage, seven households occupied by elderly people suffer the most.

Recently the community noticed something that appeared to be an umbilical cord and said they wondered if its not a baby that is blocking the drains.

“There are all sorts of things coming out of the spillage, used condoms and hair pieces which are serious health hazards to our children,” said a community member.

After the maintenance left yet again without solving the problem, the community is left in dismay.

Tomorrow, the Ward 75 community in Leboneng will wake up to prepare to go to work and school faced with the gustily stench and dehumanizing reality brought about by the spillage and its dreadfulness that has become part of their lives.