Temba Saps hosts sports against crime event

The team that won the jersy

The Community Policing Forum and Temba SAPS hosted sport event for learners, parents and teachers to create awareness about the danger of drugs and alcohol while promoting the importance of sports.

The event took place at during a soccer and netball tournament held today at Mabuatlou primary school in Lephengville.

Constable Herman Moremi of Corporate Communication at SAPS TEMBA said eight primary schools competed in the tournament and the winners were awarded with a new soccer Jersey and netball gear while participants at the tournament were awarded with medals.

He said Masakhane primary school took first position followed by Mabuatlou primary and Palesane on number three.

Captain Sarah Lesabane awarded winners with medals and encouraged learners to focus on education and sports to avoid being involved in drugs and crime.

“Another tournament for high schools will be next month at Temba stadium where a jersey and medals will be up for grabs,” he said.