During this festive season, some members of the public will set off fireworks in celebration of the much anticipated New Year. To ensure public safety, the City of Tshwane’s Emergency Services Department (EMS) wishes to proactively warn any person who participates in the discharging of fireworks within the City’s jurisdiction, that these private displays needs to be approved by the EMS.
Before making an application to privately discharge fireworks, residents need to make sure the area where the fireworks are to be discharged must be at least 100 m from buildings, roads and railway lines.
The area where the fireworks are to be discharged must be at least 20 m from telephone lines, telegraph lines, power lines, trees and overhead obstructions. An area extending 50 m from the front and to the sides of the point at which the fireworks are to be discharged is to be clear of persons.
The area to be kept clear for falling residue that is expected to drop from aerial fireworks must extend for at least 100 m to the rear of the discharge point.
The requirements for such applications is that applicants need to apply to the City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality at:
Chief of Emergency Services
PO Box 440
Emergency Services Station 1 (Bosman Street)
Fire Safety Section
Cnr Bosman and Minnaar Street
A sketch plan (scale 1:500) of the grounds on which the fireworks are to be discharged showing:
a) The position of the following in relation to the area where the fireworks are to be discharged:
– the nearest buildings
– the nearest road
– the nearest railway line
– the nearest telephone lines
– the nearest power lines
– the nearest trees
– the nearest refreshment area
– the position of the area where the fireworks are stored before discharge
b) Direction in which the fireworks are to be discharged with special mention of the prevailing wind direction
c) Spectator area
d) Area to be kept clear for falling residue expected to drop from the fireworks
e) Location of all buildings within 200 m from the discharge site
f) Location of all trees within 200 m from the discharge site
g) Location of all telephone or telegraph lines within 200 m from the discharge site
h) Other overhead obstructions at or adjacent to the discharge site
i) Position of chemical or hazardous substances on the premises
j) Position of all entrances/exits on the premises
k) Position of the firefighting equipment on the premises
l) Position of service stations at or adjacent to the site
Applicants must also arrange for a fire safety inspection to be carried out on the premises by the Fire Safety Section and be present on the premises during the fire safety inspection. They should also receive the written approval/disapproval for the private discharge of fireworks.
Written approval for the private discharge of fireworks will be given if it takes place on sports fields, agricultural holdings and other suitable open areas.
The public can help ensure a safer festive season by bringing contraventions of the above to the attention of the City of Tshwane’s Law enforcement units at the following details:
Disturbance of peace: Metro Police at 012 358 7095/6
Fire hazard at premises: Emergency Services at 012 310 6300/6400 or 012 310 6200 during office hours (08:00 until 16:00)
Animals in distress or cruelty to animals: Watloo or Centurion SPCA at 083 453 3868 or 082 807 5671 respectively