Temba “Black History Month” Series”
Moretele Times and the Temba Heritage Project makes a renewed call to Temba community members and the readership at large to become part of the campaign to celebrate the Temba Black History Month.
This campaign is in essence a build up to the celebration of Tembba as it turns 80 in 2022.
Community members can be involved by contributing articles about the history of their families in Temba or by telling stories that speaks to the history and heritage of Temba since it was founded in 1942.
Since the publication of a few articles from 1 February to date, the Temba Black History Month Series has received resounding reviews from its readers including the following:
“The Temba Black History Month series is a good initiative. I have learned about the origins of Temba with acute interest. I wonder if today`s kids know their heritage and family trees?” – Mangope Mogase.

“I like the Temba Black History Month initiative. There`s a story to be told about Temba. We should think about the possibility of a cooperation on a book with different contributors – Gaongalelwe Tiro.
“The Temba Black History Month project is a good initiative – Dr Sinky Legodi.
“The Temba of the past and today are different. Temba of the past was characterized by the strife to defeat poverty while today`s Temba is defined by self-enrichment and moral decay” – Mangope Mogase.

“I am humbled by the article: Celebrating the Heroes and Heroines of Temba. But we should not forget all others who were omitted from the article. I stand on the shoulders of giants like Dr Mojapelo who has served the Temba community with outstanding humility – Vusi Madonsela.
“The Temba Black History Month series is inspirational in content and purpose. I have learned that Temba has a rich and powerful history. And we are very proud to be associated with Morelete Times and the Temba Heritage Project. Keep up the good work and we are behind this initiative all the way. – Loshi Temba.
“The Temba Black History Month series is a powerful initiative with an ingenious angle, this is real black consciousness and reminds me of the work of Steve Biko. The articles hit the nerve, this is real politics – Orrack Chabangu.
“In the reconstruction of the collective memory of Temba, we should not forget the history of its artists like Victor Phume and Sello Galane. And journalists like Tim Modise, Charles Molele, Justice Malala, Bongani Madondo and Saint Molakeng. – Orrack Chabangu.
To sustain the Temba Heritage narrative throughout February, we extend an open invitation to our readers and selected writers to contribute articles to be published under various sub themes in celebration of the rich history of Temba Township as we know it.
We have realized that other community members prefer to do write ups on their social media accounts, that is welcome as it spreads the campaign further, however, for a collective impact, we encourage community members to be part of the Moretele Times campaign because the benefits of it is to be published on line and later in a coffee table magazine.
The thematic thread of the contributed articles should focus on the historical milestones of Temba since it was founded and bring to the fore, the achievements and accomplishments of Temba as an urban settlement.
So, what does “My Temba, My Heritage” mean to you during this Black History Month? What are your earliest memories and your life journey in these hallowed grounds of this place that you call home? What is the history of your family and neighbourhood? What is the origins history of your school and place of worship? What is the heartbeat of her songs and dance? What are the historical landmarks and heritage sites and buildings you cherish from Temba? Who are the luminaries or famous people that have come out of Temba? What is it that the world should celebrate about “My Temba, My Heritage”? Surely you have a story to tell.
Moretele Times makes an extended invitation to its readers to share their collective, historical and living memory in celebration of “My Temba, My Heritage”. Selected guest writers have also been invited to pen featured articles in celebration of the Temba Black History Month. Hopefully, the next few weeks will unearth the hidden gems of history, heritage and identity that will reclaim the pride history of Temba as a place of hope and prosperity.
Articles should be sent to info@moreteletimes.co.za