Moretele Municipality Manager to face disciplinary hearing VBS saga


Tobby Matkiane, spokesperson of RTM and President, Anthony Cossa (right)

The Radical Economic Transformation Movement (RTM) has welcomed the decision of the Moretele Local Municipality Council on 27 February 2019 to refer the matter of the suspended Moretele Municipality Manager, Mr Shimane Maroga, for a disciplinary hearing for the alleged VBS saga.

Spokesperson for the RTM, Mr Tobby Matjiane, said his movement welcomed the decision because they are confident that the Municipal Manager will be able to proof his innocence and that he will be reinstated.

Last week, the RTM called upon the Moretele Local Municipality Council to uplift the suspension of the municipal manager, as a matter of urgency and pledged their full support for the Mayor, Mr Mark Makinta Andries Monaheng.

Moretele Municipality Mayor, Andries Monaheng

Spokesperson for the RTM, Mr Tobby Matjiane, said the RTM holds a strong believe that Mr Maroga did not play an active role in the VBS Saga in Moretele Local Municipality.

He said the RTM believes that under the management of Mr Maroga and the leadership of Mayor Monaheng, Moretele Municipality can be transformed.

“This is because we believe that they are more than capable and they push the transformational agenda for the benefit of our people.

“RTM calls for political stability in Moretele Local Municipality as the recent plots to remove the Mayor has caused a lot of instability resulting in protests and disruption of council proceedings by disgruntled community members.

He called on members of the ANC to support their Mayor as their deployee because some of the instability is caused by members of the ANC.

He said opposition parties must also provide correct information to their members because it is believed that propaganda from the opposition led to municipality buildings being torched recently.

“We also call upon all ward Councilors to do their work and convene community meetings to communicate with members of the community because lack of information is one of the factors that cause community protests.

He invited members of the community to participate in radio talk shows on Moretele Community Radio on Wednesdays from 18:00 to 19:00 channel 106.6 to express their views.

Mr Matjiane said the RTM will continue to fight for change which includes youth employment, entrepreneurship development and the reopening of the ones glorious Moretele College of Education.

This is because we believe that our demands are simple and achievable in protecting the gains of freedom and a better tomorrow for the youth of Moretele,” he