Phelang primary hold fun walk to celebrate Autism Day

Participants at the walk today


Phelang Primary School in Temba held a Fun Walk for children living with autism from Phelang to Temba Square and back to Phelang with the aim to celebrate the World Autism Day which is normally celebrated on 2 April annually.

Autism is a developmental disability that affects how a person communicates and relates to other people. The day is commemorated annually from 2-30th of April worldwide.

Ms Elizabeth Mantsha Mathebane, Deputy Principal of Phelang Iseng Primary, said “the purpose of today’s walk is to raise awareness to community members so that they may learn to love and accept children living with autism. We want people to acknowledge Autism Day as a significant day and commemorate it like other special days celebrated in the country.

“Children living with autism have a special intelligence that people cannot see and understand. They are hyper active and sometimes people may think they are crazy. In our school, we have children living with autism. We love and enjoy teaching them because they are special,” said Mrs Mathebane.