Madisong Secondary resumes classes after shocking alleged spiritual attacks

Mr Peter Mkhondo, SGB member pointing where the muti like substances were poured


Madisong Secondary School in Hammanskraal Temba resumed classes yesterday subsequent to multiple learners collapsing randomly last week Thursday.

Between eight to 15 learners were affected with one student being rushed to hospital while the others woke up after their parents picked them up.

The incident happened early in the morning while learners were in classes and it is alleged that someone came and poured muti in the school yard, at the gate and in classes.

Mr Mabuatlou Moooka, principal of Madisong Secondary school, said he is still difficult to comprehend what transpired as it is not understood if it was a satanic attack or witchcraft.

“On arrival at school last Thursday one of the educators approached me and warned me not to enter my office because allegedly there was muti like substance on the floor in my office.

“We were in staff meeting with the teachers when we were called that there is a learner that has fainted in grade 12, while we were attending to the learner, we were called to another class to attend to other three learners who had collapsed and another one later in grade 10,” said Mr Mooka.

He said as he was trying to handle the situation, another educators came to inform him that community members are at the gate trying to force their way in and he went to ask them to gather in the school hall.

Madisong pupils resumed classes yesterday after the incident that took place last week Thursday

The community was accompanied by the local councilor and a resolution was taken to release the learners for their safety.

“We met again at the school last Friday with the educators, district representatives, provincial representative and the community leaders to interrogate the events that took place and resolved that we keep the school closed until Monday,” he said.

The Provincial Department expressed concern of the school being closed and directed that no one has the right to close the school except the Head of Department of the Provincial Department.

The principal said because they are Christians, pastors pray with the students at assembly in the morning and the Provincial Department has sent a counseling team to the school to helpthe learners to cope with the shock they experienced.

Learners are shocked by he incidents that took place last week

The school has also organized a prayer session with one of the local churches on Friday and Saturday.

A learner at the school, Ms Christina Taka (22), said the situation has affected the learners negatively and they are still traumatized.

“We were in class when one leaner collapsed and suddenly others started collapsing as well. Our teacher told us to stay in class but we could not because we could not cope with the situation,” said Ms Taka.

A parent, Ms Angelina Kowa, said the situation was shocking and it has also affected parents badly.

“It has affected us so bad in such a way that we had to consider the safety our children first, some of them are even considering to move to other schools because of what has happened,” said Ms Kowa.