The struggle for women emancipation is far from over: SAPS Brigadier Martha Mokobori

Women who attended the Temba SAPS Women's Day celebrations


The South African Police Service Temba branch, Women as Safely Promoters, Community Policing Forum and the Employers Health and Wellness including other stakeholders from different organizations,   hosted an event to celebrate Women’s Month at SeKampaneng on Friday 30 August.

During the event, the station commander of Temba SAPS, Brigadier Martha Mokobori, encouraged women to keep on fighting for their rights in society as the struggle for total women emancipation is far from over.

The event was held to commemorate Women’s Month and pay tribute to the more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women.

Captain Sarah Lesabane of Corporate Communication Temba SAPS, said “the celebrations are in honor of brave and courageous women who fought for women emancipation.

“Women’s month defines the capability that every woman has just like the women who stood up to fight against the apartheid pass laws,” Captain Lesabana said.