Two people arrested for dealing in drugs and dagga in Ramotse

Woman arrested for dealing in dagga


Two people were arrested in Ramotse on Monday for dealing with dagga and drugs in unrelated cases.

In the first case, a 39 year old woman was arrested on Monday o2 September at Ramotse  for dealing in dagga after a tip off from a community member.

Captain Sarah Lesabane of Corporate Communication Temba SAPS said the Crime Prevention Members and Patrollers were patrolling around Ramotse when they received a tip off that a woman was selling dagga at her residential house.

“Upon arrival the police found dagga balls wrapped in small plastics and the suspect was arrested for dealing in dagga.

“In an unrelated case, a 27 year old man was also arrested at Ramotse following a tip off about a man dealing with drugs. Upon arrival the police found plastics containing white powder and arrested the man for drug dealing.

“The arrested suspects will appear at Moretele Magistrate court soon,” Captain Lesabane said.