In a dramatic turn of events, Serial rapist, Mr Jabulani Kenneth Nxumalo, (27) who was sentenced to three counts of rape and a further 10 years by the Moretele Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday,16 October 2019, took his life in prison, while serving his sentence on Wednesday, 23 October 2019.
Mr Nxumalo was apprehended on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 and sentenced to a further 10 years for house breaking with the sentence running concurently with the three life sentences.
Acting Spokesperson for the Brits Cluster, Ms Maria Nkabinde, said the sentencing came after the first incident which took place on Monday, 25 September 2017 at about 18:30 in RDP section, Mathibestad Village in the vicinity of Makapanstad.
“A 12-year-old girl was sent to the local tuckshop to buy coldrink. Upon her return, she was followed by the accussed who then grabbed her from behind and took her to a nearby secluded area in the bushes and raped her. After the ordeal the victim ran straight home and informed her mother.
Ms Nkabinde said in a second separate incident, which took place around the same area in December 2017, the accussed continued with his “hideous deeds”.
“He forced entry into a certain house where two victims, aged 17 and 19 were left alone for the night by their mother who was at work. He then covered their faces with pillow cases and raped them repeatedly in the house.
“Fortunately, the two victims, who are siblings, recognised his voice and informed the police who went to his place of residence, which is situated on the same street as the victims.
“In addition, DNA tests were done and he was linked with all the three incidents of rape,” the Ms Nkabinde said.
The Cluster Commander of Brits, Major General Modisagaarekwe Mosimanegape, welcomed the sentence and said “crimes against the most vulnerable inhabitants in this country, women and children, are a national priority.
“The gallant investigation done by the Investigating Officer, Detective Constable Mmatshepò Nkosi, of Klipat Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS) is highly commmendable to ensure that sexual offenders languish in jail as they deprive children and women of their right to human dignity,” said Major General Mosimanegape.