Temba Tshwane North College also affected by NSFAS funding strikes

File Material: Moretele Times


Students enrolling at Temba Tshwane North College Campus have joined the strikes going on in the country at tertiary institutions complaining about poor NSFAS funding which they said when the funding demands are not met, their academic activities are delayed.

A student at the Temba Tshwane North College, Mr Shadrack Maluleke, said most of the students have not been able to register due to outstanding fees from the previous year and some are complaining about not receiving response from Nsfas regarding their applications for this year.

Students from far places such as Kwazulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo are currently struggling to find accommodation because the college has not allocated them residence.

One student who did not want to be named said “The experience I’ve had since moving to Temba has not been easy as a first year, I am struggling to pay the rent as well as having enough groceries, I was depending on Nsfas for assistance but up to so far I am still waiting for a response.

Moretele Times tried to phone the office at the college regarding this matter to no avail.