Makhandeni events have 6 000 sanitary pads to donate


The learners received motivational speaking

Mr Kefetse Mukhari, founder and managing director of the Makhandeni Events which is in charge of the  25 000 sanitary pads drive said they have 6 000 sanitary pads to donate to needy learners.

The organisation started this campaign last year and had its launch at Jubile mall because they were in partnership with them by that time.

So far they have managed to collect over 6 000 sanitary pads and distributed them across four schools in Hammanskraal and they have managed to help over 1 900 girls across those schools.

This month they went to Tshepo High School where they donated 400 pads and had a chat with the girls about hygiene and teenage pregnancy. The main aim of the drive is to teach and equip the learners about how to overcome the challenges they go through.

Mr Mukhari said, “you don’t have to be rich to give back to the community, you can start by giving your energy, ideas, time and advice to others then you can consider donations.”

On 19 March 2020, the organisation will do their next school donation at Makgetsi High School.

Makhandeni Events has 15 ambassadors that work with them on this campaign, namely, Imbumba Foundation, Nelson Mandela Foundation Powerway Africa Technologies, National School  Government, Romans Pizza, MacDonald’s,  Jubilee Mall and Helen Child Foundation.