Life changing donation for 10 year old Sbusiso

Community members who cam to spend the day with Sibusiso

A stroller buggy was donated to, Sibusiso Matsemela, a child suffering from cerebral palsy on 07 March 2020 by the Jubile hospital physiotherapy unit and Tulunga Financial Service.

The donation took place at Sibusiso Matsemela’s home in Temba attended by community members who also had something to donate for Sibusiso.

Miss Matilda Matsemela, mother to Sibusiso said after sending a post on Facebook asking for a stroller buggy, Mr Tebatso Kekana in-boxed her telling her he would like to host a fundraising event for Sbusiso.

Mr Tebatso Kekana together with Jubile Hospital Physiotherapy, The Tulunga Finacial Service and Mr Frank Nkwanyane,  then decided to host a day for Sbusiso.

“Since Sbusiso got the Buggy, it is easy for me, I can go shopping with him, take walks with him and I am happy because he can now relax in his new buggy.

She said she is touched by the love and support shown to Sibusiso and thanked Warrior Moms, a disabled child support group.

Sbusiso’s mother said she’ll forever be thankful for the life-changing donation and support she received.