Planned water supply interruption to parts of Carousel View and Ramotse in Hammanskraal


The residents of Carousel View and Ramotse in Hammanskraal are informed about a planned water supply interruption due to a tie-in to the existing City of Tshwane pipeline on 25 and 26 May 2020.

Mr Lindela L Mashigo, City of Tshwane Director of Media Relations, said Magalies Water is currently implementing the Moretele South Pipeline Project, a construction of a new 30 km pipeline from Babelegi Reservoir to the far western areas of Moretele Local Municipality.

“The pipeline is being supplied with water from Magalies Water’s Klipdrift Water Treatment Plant in Hammanskraal. This pipeline will supply water to the Moretele Local Municipality areas which were previously supplied by the City of Tshwane.

“The City of Tshwane sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience that may be encountered because of the scheduled work and we appeal to all residents to utilize water sparingly during this time,” Mr Mashigo said.