Stakes are high for Mr and Miss albinism pageant

Mr Mpho Paul Maropeng Moroe (21), from Stinkwater

Mr Mpho Paul Maropeng Moroe (21), from Stinkwater Hammanskraal, is one of the candidates for Mr and Miss Albinism South Africa.

He is also currently one of the Unisa Youth Jazz Orchestra musical trombonists and also a drum player who believes living with albinism does not limit him and said instead albinism should be celebrated.

Mr Moroe said he entered the pageant because he is self-motivated, goal-driven and takes challenges as opportunities for growth.

“I entered the pageant to create awareness to remove the stigma around people living with albinism, particularly because this month is albinism awareness month.

“I wanted to show the beauty of living with albinism and appreciating living with it,” he said.

As one of the finalists, he said he feels proud of himself as it is his first time entering such a big pageant which could open so many doors for him if he were to win.

He was encouraged by his little sister to enter the pageant because she saw a great opportunity for positive change to him and people with albinism.

He is inspired by Simba Gozo, who is a male model living with albinism and also a radio presenter on CliffCentral Radio. Besides being on-air and happily posing for cameras, the multi-talented Gozo also doubles as a motivational speaker and is an IT specialist by profession.

“I will be the voice of the people with albinism, this is not only about competing but the positive impact that one can bring to the people living with albinism,” Mr Moroe said.

Supporters can get details of the pageant on his Facebook page @Mpho Paul Moroe. For voting, follow the link