Hammanskraal one of the to 10 Gender Based Violence hot-spots


Police Minister, Mr Bheki Cele

Hammanskraal and Mamelodi East made it to the list of 10 of 30 GBV hotspots in South Africa.

Gender-based violence is an immensely widespread issue in our country, that is real and gives daily threats for women and girls.

The minister of police, Mr Bheki Cele provided details of a plan to combat these social ills.

“Pretoria will receive special attention from the police.

“The police stations in those hotspots will have dedicated permanent desks with trained officers to deal with gender-based violence,” said Mr Cele.”

He said the list of hotspots include Delft, Dobsonville, Mamelodi East, Bloemspruit, Tembisa, Diepsloot, Umlazi, Mitchells Plain, Empangeni, Ikageng, Nyanga, Osizweni, Inanda, KwaMashu, Temba, Ntuzuma, Khayelitsha, Kopanong, Kwazakhele, Honeydew, Alexandra, Kraaifontein, Moroka, Gugulethu, Mthatha, Orange Farm, Mfuleni, Butterworth, Plessislaer and Bellville.