The Makapanstad Police arrested a 26-year-old mother after she allegedly threw her 16 days old baby inside a pit toilet.
The mother appeared before the Moretele Magistrates’ court on Tuesday, 20 October 2020, to answer for charges of attempted murder.
According to Ms Maria Nkabinde of the South African Police Service, the police were alerted by members of the community about a baby, who was allegedly thrown inside a pit toilet at Botshabelo section in Mathibestad Village, Makapanstad.
“Upon arrival at a residential home in the Village at about 15:30 on Sunday,18 October 2020, the baby was heard crying from inside the pit toilet.
“The Fire and Disaster Management officials were immediately summoned to the house and managed to rescue the baby boy,” she said.
The mother was remanded in custody and will be re-appearing again before the same court on Monday 02 November 2020 for formal bail application.