Tshwane Mayor snubs Hammanskraal water inquiry


The Hammanskraal community said an invitation to the Mayor of Tshwane is still open to come and attend the Hammanskraal public water inquiry that started today and continues tomorrow.

Professor Jonas Leaka Letsoalo, Chairperson of Hammanskraal community water inquiry said he wishes to reiterate that the Mayor of the City of Tshwane or his representative was urged to come and participate and engage with the residents of Hammanskraal over the water issue.

“We have reached out several times in an effort to encourage positive engagement, unfortunately, the mayor refused to attend,” he said.

Mr Letsoalo said the panel of the Hammanskraal water inquiry commission was refused access to the Rooiwal water treatment plant for an inspection.

“Why is the City of Tshwane, which is responsible for service delivery in Hammanskraal, hiding?” He said.

Mr Letsoalo said it’s not too late for the mayor to change his attitude towards the commission, his slot for tomorrow morning remains open.

“I am once again making a plea to him to come and account to the people he is supposed to serve. “he said.

Mr Letsoalo said the mayor should remember the reason he was elected to serve in the office he occupies.