Hammanskraal residents continue to protect their township

Members of the Hammaskraal ANC Youth League addressing members of the community to discourage looting: Picture Courtesy of Fortune Mathabathe FB

Most local shops and shopping complexes in Hammanskraal have closed in fear of the looting and vandalism that has erupted in the country. The Hammanskraaal residents have, however, refused to allow the looting of local shops in their area.

Co-founder of the Hammanskraal Business Chamber, Mr Tiger Mathabatha, said the duty of the chamber is to oversee the success of small local businesses that have been negatively affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

“The riots are exacerbating the situation because, with the closure of big stores, the community now relies on Taxis, Tuck Shops, and Taverns.

Earlier in the week, the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) members led by Fortune Mathabathe issued a stern warning to members of the community in Hammanskraal not to embark on the looting of businesses.

Warrant officer Noni Molale of the Hammanskraal Police said the police are vigilant and also keeping an eye that there are no riots.

“We are working with the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and the Street Patrols to make sure that there are no opportunists who can attempt to cause riots.

“We do not have a problem working with civilians to protect the community, as long as there is no one taking the law into their hands,” said officer Molale.