Hammanskraal stakeholders join forces to prevent looting


Members of the ANCYL during the night shift to stop looting

Yesterday Community police forum and taxi industry and the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) held a No looting motorcade campaign in Hammanskraal that will continue until the President announces that the country is safe for normal operation.

The ANCYL mobilized all stakeholders in the community, including the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and the Taxi industry to join the campaign.

Member of the ANCYL, Mr Fortune Mathabathe, said the campaign was organized to conscientize members of the community and create awareness around the “anti-looting” campaign in Hammanskraal.

“We also wanted to take the community into confidence and ask them for support in protecting our infrastructure and the Central Business District in Hammanskraal,” said Mr Mathabathe.

Mr Michael Aphane, who is also part of the Regional Executive Committee of the ANCYL, said that at first, the police gave them a run-around, they told them about applications that need to be done which were not specific.

“We as the youth league then decided to join force with the CPF and the Taxi association because it was urgent and we could not wait for the police,” said Mr Aphane.

Chairperson of the Community Policing Forum (CPF), Mr Levy Matjila, said the police joined forces with them later on Monday and they formed two teams to work night shift and day shift.

“We are confident that the work we are doing with the police and CPF will be enough to keep the community safe and riot-free. We thank the police for their support,” said Mr Matjila.