Five men arrested in Temba for possession of Drugs


Three men aged 31, 32, and 35 were arrested by the police yesterday at Sekampaneng and Stinkwater in the Temba areas after they were found in possession of drugs.

Sergeant Herman Moremi of Corporate Communications SAPS Temba said the police were doing routine patrols and stop and search around Sekampaneng village and Stinkwater when they came across suspicious men. They were searched and found in possession of drugs wrapped in brown plastics and dagga wrapped in newspapers.

Today also an additional two men aged 30 and 42 were arrested at Mmotla and Moeka village for possession of drugs.

They were also arrested during a stop and search around that area when the police noticed a suspicious man who disguised running a stall shop not far from the road and selling drugs on the other side. Police searched the stall shop and found balls of dagga in plastics and others rapped in newspapers. Another man who was searched was found in possession of drugs(Nyaope) in small brown plastics.

The station commander of Temba SAPS Brigadier Johannes Tau welcomed the arrest and applauded the members who continued to fight the use and selling of drugs in the area. He sent a message to those who think they will never stop dealing with drugs that the police also will never rest until the area is clean and free from drugs.

“The drugs are also prioritized among the contributing factors of crimes in the area and it will be our daily duties to search for those who are selling them,” said the Brigadier.

The arrested suspects will appear in the Moretele magistrate court in due cause facing charges of possession of drugs.