Hammanskraal Tennis Club hosted an award ceremony to celebrate their players hard work

Hammanskraal Tennise Club Members at the award ceremony

The Hammanskraal Tennis Club hosted an award ceremony to recognize the hard work and success obtained by the team this year.

Along the achievements obtained by the team, this year was winning the community sport and recreation of the year award during the Gauteng Sports Awards. Male player of the year, Tshepang Maisela, said joining the team gave him the opportunity to get to know places he didn’t know.

“Playing tennis is fun and requires focus while providing training while helping the mind to relax. visiting other areas afforded me to play in the biggest tennis courts and playing for the biggest team,” he said.

With 300 kids from different villages in Hammanskraal and the pandemic it was a challenge to take care of all of them.” said the coach and founder of the club, Mr Simon Thlathla.

He said he managed to come up with a schedule that can keep the players and coaches safe and continue practice weekly.

Mr Thlathla said he has been playing tennis since he was a junior so it was easy for him to coach the kids and he encourages the children to focus on school as much as they focus on tennis.

“We can’t all be professional sportsmen but one needs balance, I encourage the players to also focus on their school work,” he said during a media doorstep interview.