A man from Ramotse in Hammanskraal, Mr John Moroke, said he is being bullied and abused by his ex-girlfriend who is also the mother of his child and that he is getting no help from the authorities.
Mr Moroke said since he split with the mother of his three-year-old daughter (the ex-girlfriend is known to Moretele Times but cannot be named due to threats she made to our journalist), the woman has been cruel to him.
“The only thing I want is to be present in my daughter’s life and support her so she can grow up knowing her father, but her mother refuses to give me and the child this opportunity.
“I have suffered insults from her and her new boyfriend every time I want to see my daughter and even the Gender-Based Violence group in Hammanskraal has failed to support me to facilitate this.
“Recently I acquired a court order to see my daughter which she refused to sign, instead, she attacked me with a stone on my head in front of the cops who had accompanied me to deliver the court order to her,” he said.
After he was attacked, Mr Moroke opened a case against the ex-girlfriend who was arrested and released on R500 bail after two days.
Mr Moroke said he also took the matter to the social workers who referred the matter to the Children’s Court that heard the matter on 23 March 2022 and ordered that Mr Moroke pay R500 monthly maintenance and that he should have access to see his child.
“When we left court on that day, her new boyfriend threatened me outside the court and told me that I can try all I want but I will never see my child again, and since then I have never seen my child,” he said.
Moretele Times spoke to his ex-girlfriend, Ms Agnes Motlali, who said she does not want to hear anything about Mr Moroke because he is harsh and she is not sure what he wants from her.
“He is busy taking me to court and I’m tired of it. He constantly calls and insults me and my boyfriend while it has been four to five months that he has not been able to fulfill the Children’s Court order to give the child R500 maintenance per month.
“I am also not denying him access to the child, we agreed at court that he will visit the child through social workers, but he does not want to do that because he knows that he has not followed the court orders.
“If he wants to see his child, he must follow through on the promises he made in court and stop subjecting me to this unhealthy lifestyle, I am tired of it”.
She said Mr Moroke constantly insults her accusing her of being a filthy traditional healer who is administering muti to his child.
“I’m tired of John’s rudeness, if he wants me back in his life, he needs to be a man and confront me and stop acting like that to me, it is extremely silly,” she said.
During the interview, she stated unequivocally that she does not want anything to do with any of this, and threatened the journalist, telling him that if he continues with the article, he will be in serious trouble.
The Police Officer handling the police assault of Mr Moroke, Constable Chaoke said the police did their work professionally.
“After hearing Mr Moroke’s case, we did what we were supposed to do and charged the accused with assault and she was released on R500 bail. The matter is still ongoing and will be heard in court on 20 September 2022.