As South Africa commemorated the National Child Protection Week from 29 May until 04 June 2022, the police from Moeka-Vuma in partnership with the Community Policing Forum (CPF) joined forces with other stakeholders to raise awareness of children’s rights by visiting Morena children’s home at Ratsiepane village on Friday, 03 June 2022.
According to the Children’s Act ( Act No 38 of 2005), children have a right to a safe and secure environment. It is for this reason that learners from local schools such as Pholokgolo and Ramoshiye Primary schools were sensitized to bullying, violent crimes as well as the toxicity of substance abuse.
In addition, other stakeholders who participated, included the Department of Health, Social Development, Education, Emergency Medical Services, Moretele Local Municipality, Traditional leaders, and a Ward counselor. Non-Profit Organisation(NPOs) Katlo and Save Our Souls(SOS) were also present.
The children were further encouraged to report any form of abuse to their parents, educators, or police. The Children were also showered with gifts by SOS.
“It takes a village to raise a child”.