More than 200 people arrested during High Density operation


The South African police service together with other law enforcement agencies managed to effect the arrest of more than 200 people during the Tshwane District High-Density operation which was led by Acting District Commissioner Brigadier Samuel Thine.

Sergeant Herman Moremi of Corporate Communication Temba SAPS said the Tshwane DistrictThe operation was divided into different bubbles, the roadblock, compliance, and suspect tracing by the detectives around Tshwane.

“One person was arrested for possession of a firearm while being intoxicated, two people arrested for possession of drugs, three for dealing in dagga, one for illicit cigarettes, eleven illegal immigrants, six for dealing in liquor without a license, twelve public drinking, and five for drunken driving.

“More than fifteen J534 were issued with the value of R11 700, more than hundred and nine vehicles tested, and more than five hundred and nine persons searched, seven Aartos issued with the value of R7 250. All confiscated liquor, drugs, firearm and ammunition, and cigarettes were booked in SAPS 13,” he said.

The District Commissioner, Brigadier Samuel Thine, applauded all role players who joined hands in the operation which gave positive results, and appreciate their efforts in assisting the local police station to reduce crime. He also urged all law enforcement agencies to continue fighting Gender-Based Violence.

The arrested suspects will appear in court in due cause.