Pathfinders Cherckersville painting initiative


A Temba-based movement, Pathfinders, last week embarked on painting initiatives at Cherkersville to give the area a facelift. The Checkersville paint facelift and Mural fest is one of the many initiatives of Pathfinders to put Temba” A place of Hope” on the map as a prime location, an investment destination and a tourist attraction.

Pathfinders is a movement of young entrepreneurs who share ideals about a thriving township economy. Through monthly networking meetings, Pathfinders puts a spotlight on various sectors and key lessons of business through panel discussions.

The events are meant to get local entrepreneurs to network and be better informed of businesses that operate locally, connect and share opportunities and most importantly collectively run initiatives geared at a thriving township economy.

Glenda Setshedi of Pathfinders said the project will open the market to specific sectors known to have no opportunities in Temba. “With the mural fest running parallel with the paint facelift, Pathfinders looks to spread the message of “Hope” and give young people the courage to start and run successful businesses with the understanding that the economy rests on creating a conducive environment for startups to thrive.

Pathfinders believe that young people should be taught Entrepreneurship as a community culture which can inversely combat a lot of social ills. This movement not only advocates for the collective thriving and growth of the township economy, but they also believe in the empowerment of young people by providing employment and opportunities.

Ms Setshedi said Pathfinders will soon open the first incubation hub in Temba.

With the “#Painting Temba with Hope”, Pathfinders encourages anyone in and around Hammanskraal who is in business or is passionate about starting, to be part of the movement and join our monthly meetings.

The Checkersville project is still ongoing and they are still in need of the following help:
Spray paint, 20L UV proof Paint( bright colors), brushes, rollers and paint thinners,
volunteers to help with painting, compensation of skilled painters and refreshments.
To donate kindly contact Glenda Setshedi on 081 265 8778.