SA Guide-Dogs Association helps 71-year-old visually impaired man regain financial Independence

Mr Ramagaze is a 71-year-old man who was assisted to regain financial independence

The SA Guide-Dogs Association has assisted Mr Ramagaze, a 71-year-old man residing in Garankuwa, to regain financial independence while still visually impaired.

Although he has been blind for more than 50 years, he had never received Orientation and Mobility training.

Mr Ramagaze lost his sight in his childhood due to measles. One of the challenges that Mr Ramagaze faced was that someone else was managing his finances and the money he received from his disability grant.

He could not withdraw his money from the ATM or identify and count the notes. He knew where the ATM was, but did not know the route to get there or how to operate the ATM.
His reliance on others made him vulnerable and he had no financial independence or privacy, as they helped themselves to his money.

Ms Shiela Makhado the O&M Marketing Coordinator, said through the SA Guide Dog Association for the Blind Orientation and Mobility program, Mr Ramagaze was trained to manage his own finances. He was taught the route to the ATM using his white cane to travel safely and efficiently and taught how to operate the ATM by himself to withdraw his money.

“He was also given a money template and taught how to identify different notes based on size. Now Mr Ramagaze is able to manage his own finances and has taken control of his financial independence. Not knowing how much money was in his wallet was quite distressing,” Ms Makhado said.

Blind or partially sighted people who would like to regain independence and freedom should call the Mobility and Orientation Department at 011 705 3512 or email